Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Biggest Computer Hacks ► Top 10z

The Internet is an extraordinary thing. It interconnects people all over the world instantaneously. It allows businesses to function at far higher levels. It has increased the connectivity between social media users in ways that are growing each and every day. Nothing seems to surprise us anymore on the Internet, a place where you can find information about a restaurant just as easily as you can find naked pictures of celebrities, porn and a dissertation on how to eat sushi. “Google it” people say.
Then there are those who see opportunity on the Internet. Like with anything in the world, build it and thieves will come. And they have. Since the 2000s, cybercrimes have been increasing with regularity. And there are hackers who act on moral high ground, attempting to expose the evils of the world. Then there are the plain old hackers who are out for the green. As the years go on, the crimes have become more sophisticated and threaten more than just bank accounts and computer operations.
Some cybercrimes have been associated with world powers. Hacking has not only become an art form for the computer whizzes at home, governments have seen it as an opportunity to attack one another and gain secret information. You can even mess with someone’s nuclear weaponry from afar. The facts are staggering of how truly catastrophic a computer hack can become. Here are the 10 most sensational hacks of all time.

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